U2 Songs for Bad Days

I’m going through some shite right now (like you aren’t, I know…LIFE), and thought I’d share some U2 songs that I tend to fall back on when my hands are tied, my body bruised, there’s nothing left to win and nothing left to lose. Here we go:

North and South of the River – This is amazing on a rainy day, and since my part of the world is just now discovering what rain is again, I’ve been able to enjoy it quite often lately. The easiest way to obtain this song is YouTube, because it’s not on an album (unless of course you have some Pop-era rarity that contains it, as it was technically the B-side to Staring at the Sun).

Mercy – And no, not the first one that was supposed to be on Songs of Ascent, which frankly I’m still bitter about never materializing. Mercy has to be Live in Brussels only, because when you’re in a bad mood you definitely need to be able to sing, “You wanna kill me and I wanna die, we were meant for each other, you and I” as loudly as possible. Again, YouTube is going to be your best source for that.

Out of Control – Technically this is both a feel good song and a feel bad song, because it can pump you up when you’re down or give you an I’m-kicking-ass-and-taking-names surge of energy when you’re already doing okay. The original Boy track is great on bad days because you get the lyric, “I was of the feeling it was out of control, I had the opinion it was out of control”…a much more appropriate way to express yourself in those times than “We’ve got spirit and I’ve got soul” or any other Bonoism variations of that line. I know Slane Castle and Madison Square Garden are the ultimate performances of Out of Control, but those are both way too uplifting when you’re sulking.

Some Days are Better than Others. No explanation needed!

40 – Because you will sing, sing a new song – but how long to sing this song? HOW LONG?

Do you have any to add? What U2 songs do you listen to on bad days?

Update: I found the header photo above by googling “U2 looking angry,” which is pretty funny…mood improving already!



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U2 community builder, actualist, sometimes full of anger and grieving. Contact: IG @brookwf, X @U2radiobrook.

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2 thoughts on “U2 Songs for Bad Days

  1. Great list. I would add Your Blue Room, Zooropa, If You Wear That Velvet Dress and Wake Up Dead Man. Special
    mention also to Original of the Species and Miracle Drug.

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