The #U2Request Movement Continues!

The fans behind the #U2Request movement won’t stop until they’ve found what they’re looking for, and what they’re looking for is an unexpected song to be on the set list for every show on the tour, starting with when U2 hits the  stage in Vancouver on May 14. As most of us know by now, the running favorite is Acrobat – why I’m not sure, but it continues to get a great deal of support. I checked in with the thread on Twitter today, though, and I saw these other interesting picks:

  • The Refugee (Um, sure)
  • Alex Descends into Hell for a Bottle of Wine (No thanks)
  • A Sort of Homecoming (This is my pick!)
  • The Wanderer (perhaps with a hologram appearance by Johnny Cash?)
  • Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses (Yes, please! And fans, let’s get the “sha-la-la” timing right this time, okay? This is why they rarely play it. It’s “Hey, hey, sha-la-la. Hey, hey…” now STOP. Let Bono sing the second verse, and THEN you can repeat “sha-la-la” the next time around. Seriously, it’s not hard.)

What do you think of these choices for #U2Request, and which one is your favorite? Do you have any others? If so, ignore what the owner of another U2 fan site says, and tweet them on April 14 for the big #U2Request day. Whether or not our efforts result in the band playing our requests, at least we all had some fun.



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U2 community builder, actualist, sometimes full of anger and grieving. Contact: IG @brookwf, X @U2radiobrook.

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