U2 gets “BUS”TED!

All aboard the party bus! Have you seen this, a party bus, U2 style! U2 & Apple launched “The Experience Bus” this past week in London where fans can come aboard and experience U2’s, “Song for Someone” in virtual reality. Quite the innovative way to “experience” a song from the group that were around when rotary phones were all the rage and before Pac Man even laid eyes on Miss Pac Man. While “Experiencing” Song for Someone, fans are put right there on the E-Stage, not Penelope Cruz, Jimmy Fallon or that nut who “Saved” Bono’s life in Central Park, you are. It’s as if, Bono and the boys selected you and brought you up for the lyrical masterpiece. You’re not a long place from where you need to be and you don’t have to wait for any cavalry to show up and save the day, you’re right there. Quite the “Experience.”

If U2 and Apple take this virtual reality “Experience” to a new level and you know they will, here are the songs I hope to see in virtual reality, soon.

1. If you wear that Velvet Dress….Dah, no brainer.

2. Bullet the Blue Sky…I need to see fear running in the valley below.

3. Instant Karma…If Instant Karma is gonna get cha, I want a front row seat, up close and personal and see how it’s gonna get yah.

4. Party Girl- I know she wants a party….but I WANT TO SEE THE PARTY, do you know what I mean?

5. Wake up, Dead Man- Listen, we’ve been waiting for over 2,000 years, if you don’t think I want to be there watching this unfold, you’re delusional.

What songs would you like to “Experience?”

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An avid U2 fan, who doesn't take our group too seriously. Sixth grade teacher, married and have an 8 year old boy who is also a huge fan...he didn't have a choice.

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